The Top 13 SEO Blogs to Follow in 2023

The world of SEO is constantly changing. Whether you are brand new to search engine optimization or a seasoned SEO expert, you must be a student of the game, constantly learning and educating yourself.

However, the biggest challenge of trying to learn SEO is the sheer volume of information. Trying to find the best sources of information, trends, and tips about SEO?

As a SEO learner, I’m constantly monitoring the best SEO blog content to learn the latest. Here are 13 best SEO blogs I collected for valuable SEO news, insights, and trends.

Let’s dive in.

Top SEO Blogs

1.  Google Search Central Blog

This blog is the official information channel for the Google search engine. While there is not much information about SEO practices, Google Webmaster Central Blog does provide lots of useful tips regarding webmaster guidelines. Also, it shares updates about crawling, indexing, and ranking on this blog. It’ll give you insights on things like:

  • New features coming to search.
  • Tips and tricks on using Search Console.
  • Updates about algorithms.

Therefore, reading this blog is a must if you want to keep up with the latest algorithm changes and updates from Google itself.

My Favorite SEO Post from Official Google Blog: Analyzing Google Search traffic drops

Google Search Central Blog

2.  Search Engine Journal

Search Engine Journal is one of my favorite SEO blogs that I visit almost daily. It is the most popular community-based portal that consists of SEO experts from all around the world writing news articles, guides, analyses and how-to’s related to SEO.

Aside from SEO, it also focuses on SEO-related topics, such as content marketing, social media, paid search and other online marketing topics.

You can expect 5-10 new posts on a daily basis that includes quality guides and news for all these topics about online marketing. If you’re keen to know about Google latest updates and news, you should definitely follow this blog.

My Favorite SEO Post from Search Engine Journal: History of Google Algorithm Updates

Search Engine Journal

3.  Search Engine Land

Search Engine Land is known as the 24/7 news source with the latest trends, feature announcements, and breaking stories related to digital marketing. If you want to stay updated with search engine algorithm changes, new updates, or breaking news, Search Engine Land should be your first choice.

SEL also offers a fresh and exciting perspective on different topics related to SEO. With their expertise and extensive knowledge of the search marketing industry, they serve as a reliable information hub for SEO topics.

My Favorite SEO Post from Search Engine Land: SEO & website design: Everything you need to know

Search Engine Land

4.  Search Engine Watch

Search Engine Watch is one of the oldest blogs on Internet that was founded back in 1996 by Danny Sullivan.

If you want to learn the latest SEO trends, this blog is for you. This blog mostly covers the best SEO guides and frequent Google changes to help people better understand the SEO trends.  You can find

My Favorite SEO Post from Search Engine Watch:

What is speakable schema markup and how does it impact the future of SEO?

5.  Backlinko

Brian Dean a.k.a. Backlinko is a well-known name in the SEO world. He popularized the skyscraper technique for link building.

Although Brain publish new articles rather rarely, when he does, you can be sure that the topic will be covered from top to bottom. With proven SEO methods and content marketing advice, the information is functional, easy to understand, implement, and effective. 

I must admit that I learned a lot from Brian over the years. Backlinko is definitely the blog you should follow and subscribe.

My Favorite SEO Post from Backlinko: LINK BUILDING FOR SEO: The Definitive Guide

6.  Neil Patel

Neil Patel is one of the most prominent figures in the industry right now. He’s a digital marketing entrepreneur especially known for work with SEO.

If you want to find in-depth articles around blogging, SEO and content marketing tactics, you must start following Neil Patel’s blog which has literally thousands of posts filled with golden nuggets. 

He also regularly shares podcasts and YouTube video tutorials around SEO on his blog along with the long form of articles, so make sure to check out his blog.

My Favorite SEO Post from Neil Patel’s blog: The Secret Guide to VSEO: Video SEO

7.  Ahrefs Blog

I’m a huge fan of Ahrefs. Not only they have an amazing SEO tool but they also have an informative blog that centers around online marketing and SEO-related topics.

This blog features categories such as Link Building, SEO Industry, SEO Studies and Research, and Technical SEO. What’s best is that most of their articles are research backed so there’s nothing to bullshit about.

Ahrefs blog also supports multiple languages which includes English, Spanish, Chinese, German, Portuguese, French, and Russian.

My Favorite SEO Post from Ahrefs: How to Do Keyword Research for SEO

Ahrefs Blog

8.  The SEMrush Blog

Like Ahrefs, SEMrush is also a well-known SEO tool and it also has a digital marketing blog where you can find useful content around content strategy, content marketing, SEO, SEM, PPC and social media.

In addition to insights into specific categories, SEMrush also prioritizes highlighting major industry updates, strategy ideas, and guides to help walk you through different aspects of SEO. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned SEO expert, you’ll find the resources you’re looking for.

My Favorite SEO Post from SEMrush blog: The Ultimate SEO Checklist: 41 Best Practices

9.  Moz Blog

Moz has become a leader in the industry for the whole generation of SEOs. No one doubts that it is thanks to their awesome inbound strategy of creating tons of useful and educational content for anyone interested in search engine optimization.

On Moz blog, you can read about SEO, link building, paid marketing, keyword research, competitor research, etc. In Moz academy, you can take digital marketing courses.

A special attention definitely belongs to the iconic Whiteboard Friday series with Moz’s former CEO Rand Fishkin.

My Favorite SEO Post from Moz Blog:

The Ultimate Guide to the Google Search Parameters

Moz Blog

10.  Authority Hacker

Authority Hacker is a website (and podcast) that promises to share “actionable online marketing education” and teach people how to “build highly profitable authority sites.”

Authority Hacker Blog mainly focuses on SEO and Affiliate Marketing. Most of their posts are data-driven or with case studies. I like to read them because these posts are very insightful and concrete.

My Favorite SEO Post from Authority Hacker:

Hand Curated List Of 90+ Best Niches For Affiliate Marketing In 2021

11.  Shopify Blog

Shopify is an ecommerce platform which was once explicitly designed for small businesses to build an ecommerce store easily and without the need for in-depth knowledge of web design and development. Now, many large ecommerce companies are turning to Shopify for their platform, too.

In the process of helping about 380 thousand merchants launch their online businesses, it turns out Shopify has learned a thing or two about success in ecommerce—and they generously share that know-how in their blog.

In Shopify Blog, you’ll find plenty of information about ecommerce SEO alongside best-practice tips on acquiring new clients, financial and accounting advice on increasing profitability and how to get started with your new business.

My Favorite SEO Post from Shopify: The Beginner’s Guide to Ecommerce SEO

12.  BigCommerce Blog

Like Shopify, BigCommerce is an eCommerce platform that lets you develop your own online store with complete front-end and back-end functionality.

Their ecommerce blog is specifically targeted to ecommerce businesses and includes valuable SEO insights. If you’re big on concrete examples that you can draw inspiration from, this is a great blog for you. And if you’re a fan of data (which I know I am), there’s plenty of that to paint a detailed picture of the current state of things.

My Favorite SEO Post from BigCommerce:

How to Master Amazon SEO and Move Your Products up the Search Rankings in 2021

13.  Yoast SEO Blog

Everyone who ever had a WordPress website probably knows a famous SEO plugin by Yoast. Not so many people know that they also run an awesome SEO blog full of useful posts not only for WordPress users.

Yoast covers a ton of tutorials around content, technical SEO, WordPress, Analytics and so on. If you’re looking to learn more search engine optimization that’s coupled with WordPress tutorials, Yoast blog is a great place for you.

The blog is updated almost every day, so it’s worth coming back to the blog every now and then to refresh your knowledge.

My Favorite SEO Post from Yoast Blog:WordPress SEO: the definitive guide

Staying up-to-date with these SEO Blogs

SEO isn’t something you can learn once and feel like you have it down. It’s a practice that continually evolves as search engines make updates and try out new things. All these SEO blogs represent the best and most reliable sources for news, info, updates and insight into the ever-changing world of search engine optimization.

While this list represents some of the best SEO blogs on the internet, there may be a few top SEO blogs that we may have missed.

Do you have any favorite SEO blogs or magazines that were not mentioned in our list? Do not hesitate to share them with us!

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